Your Repeatable Dating Plan

Your Repeatable Dating Plan is your own tailor-made playbook to dating in midlife. It will keep you organized, upbeat, and ready to find love.

In Episode 13, we talk about why you need a game plan for your 2024 dating journey. Nancy gives us the download on the Repeatable Dating Plan – a tried-and-true guideline designed to keep you from burning out and giving up.

This plan’s got three components: Mindset, Planning, and Action. When all three are working together, Finding Love feels like a fun adventure, not a dreadful chore.

RDP in a Nutshell:

- Dress Code Dilemma Solved:
No more staring at your wardrobe, agonizing over, "What do I wear?" Goal: Less stress, more confidence.

- Pick Your Date Spots:
Choose favorite locations near you, where you feel comfortable and safe. Goal: No more driving long distances to meet a first date (he can come to you).

- Time Management 101:
Be honest with yourself about how many dates you want to do in a week, and how long you spend on each one. Goal: Your time is precious, so stop overcommitting.

The heart of your RDP is ensuring you actually ENJOY yourself while you look for love. Dating in midlife can be interesting, exciting, and fun – IF you have the right approach. Listen to episode 13 for more insights and practical wisdom on creating your Repeatable Dating Plan for 2024.

[21:45] “Take a look at how you can start 2024 with a different approach to dating and Finding Love. Enjoy it! If you’re not enjoying yourself, you’re bringing negative energy to your dates.”

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