How Do I Know If He Likes Me?

Here’s the deal with guessing games – they’re just another red flag.

Ever found yourself wondering, "Does he like me?" It's the kind of question that propels you right back to anxious adolescence.

Midlife is no time for games! The person you’re dating should shine a light on you, not leave you in the dark.

In Episode 9, Nancy talks about how important it is to both listen to your gut instincts AND recognize the signs of interest versus apathy in the men you date.

She shares her own journey of dating men who left her confused and in the dark, and what a huge difference it made when she met David, who never once kept her guessing. She finally learned that actions speak louder than words.

Nancy offers some valuable advice for those moments when you feel like you don’t know how he feels about you, and you’re wondering what to do next. (Hint: instead of worrying how he feels, ask yourself how the whole experience makes YOU feel. Then trust your intuition and act on it.)

Listen in and get ready to shift from guessing to knowing in the realm of love.

[2:24] “In my experience, when a man is interested in you, he makes it very clear. Men will really leave no stone unturned when it comes to pursuing and spending time with a woman they are truly interested in.”

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Nancy is joined by Sarah Centrella, a master manifester, to explore the process of manifesting love in midlife.


How often do you feel like throwing in the towel when you hit a dating setback.


Fellas – let me help you. For all of us in midlife, chances are dating apps feel unnatural.